SyariaID is an application for taaruf syar'i, taaruf online, questions and answers with ustadz, chat with Ustadz ,online question and answer with Ustadz,find Ustadz , find Koran teachers, find Ustadz lectures, invite Koran teachers , , consultation with Ustadz, online consultation, Islamic consultation, fiqh consultation, family consultation, marriage consultation
Taaruf Islamic application for online Taaruf until marriage. Unlike other ta'aruf applications, this ta'aruf application is more syar'i because during ta'aruf accompanied by a companion Ustadz and Ustadz can see the contents of the chat
Pilgrims can ask questions or consult with Ustadz / Ustadzah on various themes ranging from household, family, marriage, marriage, matchmaking and Islamic matters such as courtship, pre-marital and post-wedding laws,
Congregations can search for Ustadz/Ustadzah for online chat, direct questions and answers, online consultation, online discussions with Ustadz, filling Islamic recitations and lectures in mosques, homes and offices for various topics and lecture materials ranging from sunnah studies, study of monotheism, study of fiqh, study of hadith interpretation and interpretation of the Koran and other book studies, filling various Islamic guidance such as learning iqro, Arabic >, memorizing the Quran (tahfidz quran), tahsin quran, nahwu shorof
Syariaid application - find ustadz - partnering with ustadz-ustadz graduates from well-known Islamic boarding schools in the country and graduates of Islamic campuses at home and abroad.
Syariaid also provides Online Madrasahs, namely online tutorials on various Islamic sciences, one of which is Prenuptial Tutorials. Contains pre-wedding tutorial videos, bride-to-be advice ebooks and other ebooks
Consultation process with Ustadz/Ustadzah via chat:
1. Click the "Chat Ustadz" menu
2. Choose one Ustadz/Ustadzah
3. Click the "Ask" button
4. Follow the next process
Process of Inviting Ustadz/Ustadzah to Complete the Study:
1 . Fill in the location, date, material and choose an ustadz
2. Ustadz accept or reject
3. If you accept, the ustadz will come at the agreed time
4. Ustadz will receive infaq directly from the congregation after the study
1. Menu Taaruf Syar'i, Consultation ustadz, chat with ustadz , search for ustadz , consultation marriage , consultation with ustadz
2. Ustadz's lecture video
3. Da'wah memes: Islamic quotes, Quran and hadith quotes, Islamic aphorisms, Islamic wise words, Islamic flyers,
4. Islamic studies: Islamic questions and answers, fiqh studies, family fiqh, women's fiqh, muamalah fiqh
5. Prayer and practice
6. Reading the Quran offline 30 Juz equipped with Indonesian translation, Arabic and Latin writing
7. Murottal Al Quran online 30 Juz from tahfidz quran. Audio quran 30 juz, mp3 al quran 30 juz. The complete Qur'an 30 chapters starting from the letter Al Baqoroh, reading the letter Yasin to juz Amma juz 30, murottal Qur'an
8. Application of prayer beads for dhikr in the morning, afternoon and evening dhikr or dhikr after prayer
9. The obligatory prayer time is 5 times. Complete prayer schedule. The most accurate prayer schedule
10. Qibla direction. Qibla compass prayer direction. Prayer times and Qibla direction, Azan and Qibla times, Adhan times pro
11. 99 Asamul Husna is equipped with Arabic writing, the meaning and meaning of Asmaul Husna. mp3 99 names of Allah. Asmaul Husna with audio, Asmaul Husna for children
12. Calendar
13. Islamic vs Christian calendar
14. Online Madrasah pre-wedding tutorial
Hopefully with the presence of the SYARIAID application, it can complete the hijrah
Let's help download and spread the application taaruf syar'i, Ustadz online, consulting with clerics, find ustadz , < b>find a Koran teacher, find a religious teacher , find a religious teacher, invite a Koran teacher
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Wassalamualaikum warohmatullahi wabarokatuh